How to import components from main folder to subfolder?
I have a qml file (DirectRegister.qml )in the same directory as main.qml and main.cpp but under QML folder in Qt creator. This folder is added when i added new qt quick file.When i use this( DirectRegister.qml) component in another files it is detecting but when i run the program it says .
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
DirectRegister.qml is not a type.
What's wrong am I doing? But this works fine when i add them to the resources.Is that the way to do?Problem: When i put qml files in different folders i import like this
import "../subfolder".
To import elements from main folder to subfolder i do like this
import "./". Complied but again the same problem
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
DirectRegister.qml is not a type.
How to import components from main folder to subfolder? -
In order to organise files. I put in different folders. So now I want to import one file from sub folder to main folder and main folder to subfolder. In short can you please describe me?
From subfolder to main folder : i do it like this
import "../subfolder"But on reverse i am confused what to do.
I read the document you described above but still I didn't get. I am sorry. -
From subfolder to main folder : i do it like this
import "../subfolder"
But on reverse i am confused what to do.How about
import "../"