[solved] Trying to link my own static libarry
You could try to use CMake's finder script for boost and zlib
Yeah, but those fail.
find_package(Boost 1.58 COMPONENTS iostreams REQUIRED)
Even if I give as additional argument the boost library folder, it still fails to find it.
It hasn't complained about zlib yet for some reason.Since Qt doesn't save additional arguments anywhere, do I need to put them into the CMakeLists.txt? I used batch scripts to compile my builds before.
Other people who compile my code probably have different paths. What is the best way to extract custom paths so that working with github is easy?I have much more questions about Qt designer etc. You seem to be Qt professional. Do you suggest adding new topics as I proceed coding and googling or can you answer some Qt GUI questions?
You would have to give cmake additional paths to search for boost, but it's not something that you can really make generic since on Windows, there's no common place like on *nix systems. Using -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH can help.
I can answer them however for other questions not directly related to this thread, you should rather open new topics. That will keep the forum easy to use and search for other users.
LOL are you kidding me :D I had these lines AFTER find boost:
set(Boost_USE_STATIC_RUNTIME ON)Normally I don't even use this make file, but instead I use another for the actual program that uses these libraries. I moved those options above find boost and it works like a charm.
Quick question: what is the fastest list box for over 10 000 items? It needs to have multiple selections and just be basic looking list box. Either it is not list view, or it needs to be adjusted a lot to achieve basic list box look.
What do you mean by "list box" ?
Like the one in left in this picture:
You can see it has bunch of string items (with void pointers to data) and you can select many at once.It's from this program:
http://aok.heavengames.com/blacksmith/showfile.php?fileid=11002 -
If you are talking about the widget on the left, it looks like a QListView with extended selection enabled. What makes you think it needs to be adjusted a lot ?
Nice, now I can rebuild my GUI with Qt.
Each item in that list view has its own rounded selection area with dotted outline.
It doesn't look/feel same to wxWidgets list box at all. Default QListView allows items to be moved around and edited their labels too. I disabled moving and label-editing. But if you say that QlistView can be made to look and feel like wxWidgets list box, then I will figure it out myself.You can mark this as solved. I don't know how to mark it.
If you need some special visualization then you can subclass QStyledItemDelegate. Apart from that, you have to ponder whether you want to keep the current look and feel of your application or have it more close to what the platform you are targeting offers.
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