Switching between different views and anchoring them properly w.r.t parent.
My application needs switching between views like upon clicking a button another view have to be shown and upon clicking back button it has to comeback to mainview. I implemented this using States and visible concept. By setting the visible property to false.
please see the pics to understand my problem.Main.qml
Even though i made DisplayView.qml as invisible but it is **cliping **the text writen in present view. It seems obvious that there is something hidden which i dont want to show.Main.qml
import QtQuick 2.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 Window{ id:window width: Screen.width height: Screen.height visible: true Item{ id:mainUI anchors.fill: parent Header{ id:header } CentralView{ id:centralView anchors.top: header.bottom anchors.bottom: footer.top } Footer { id: footer anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } states: [ State { name: "MainView" PropertyChanges {target: centralView;cycRegVisible:false; ctrlReg1Visible:false; PropertyChanges {target: footer;backButtonvisible:false; } }, State { name: "CyclicRegisterView" PropertyChanges {target: centralView;cycRegVisible:true } PropertyChanges {target: footer;backButtonvisible:true} PropertyChanges {target: centralView;displayViewVisible:false } }, State { name: "ControlRegister1View" PropertyChanges {target: centralView;cycRegVisible:false;ctrlReg1Visible:true; PropertyChanges {target: footer;backButtonvisible:true; } PropertyChanges {target: centralView;**displayViewVisible**:false } }, ] state: "MainView" Connections{ target: centralView; onAcyclicButtonClicked:{ console.log("switching to CyclicRegisterView") mainUI.state="CyclicRegisterView" } onControlRegister1ButtonClicked:{ console.log("switching to Control Register1View") mainUI.state="ControlRegister1View" } } Connections{ target: footer onBackButtoncliked:{ console.log("switching to MainView") mainUI.state="MainView" } } }
CentralView.qml consists of half display view and half control view .
Item { id:centralView width: parent.width height: parent.height anchors.left: parent.left DisplayView{ id: displayView height: centralView.height width: centralView.width/2 anchors.left: controlview.right anchors.leftMargin: festodesign.buttonGap anchors.top: sendSingleButton.bottom Connections{ onAcyclicButtonClicked: {dis_acyclicButtonClicked()} onControlRegister1Clicked:{dis_controlRegister1ButtonClicked()} } } ControlView{ id:controlview height: centralView.height width: centralView.width/2 anchors.left: centralView.left anchors.leftMargin: festodesign.buttonGap anchors.top: sendSingleButton.bottom Connections{ onAcyclicButtonClicked: {acyclicButtonClicked()} onControlRegister1Clicked:{controlRegister1ButtonClicked()} } }
Item{ // width: parent.width // height: parent.height // anchors.fill: parent signal acyclicButtonClicked() signal controlRegister1Clicked() property alias cycRegVisible: cyclicRegister.visible property alias ctrlReg1Visible: controlRegister1.visible Flickable{ id:flickArea // anchors.fill: parent width: parent.width height: parent.height contentHeight: parent.height*2 contentWidth: parent.width flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick interactive: true clip: true Rectangle { id: controlView height: parent.height width: parent.width border.color: "green" AcyclicRegister{ id:cyclicRegister visible: false anchors.fill: parent width: parent.width height: parent.height } ControlRegister1{ id:controlRegister1 visible: false // width: parent.width height: parent.height width: Screen.width } } } }
import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: controlRegisteritem // z:1 anchors.fill: parent // width: Screen.width Register{ id:controlRegister setTitle: "Control Register-1" anchors.fill: parent setBit1Caption: "EMSTOP" setBit1Description: qsTr("Emergency Stop:..... } }
Rectangle { id: register // width: Screen.width-10 // height: parent.height anchors.fill: parent }
DisplayView.qml looks same as controlview.qml just text is different.
I have removed all the unnecessary code.Sorry for the long description.If you didn't understand my problem.
Do you guys have an example where i can switching between views and the views should fill the whole screen apart from header and footer? Thanks -
Hi @vishnucool220,
I think its better to use a StackView here. Add those individual QML as pages forStackView
. Then you can justpush
them for switching.StackView
provides transitions too so that you don't need to maintain states.
For the header and footer part use ApplicationWindow. The content area would contain yourStackView
.P.S : Please surround your code with ``` (3 backticks) so that its more readable. I have done it for you now.
I'll answer it here. Following are the 2 things which are clipping the Text:- I found that the
holds theFlickable
which then loads theControlRegister1
which contains the text which is getting clipped.
The problem here is that theFlickable
gets itswidth
from its parent i.eControlView.qml
and thus loadingControlRegister1
will get clipped simply because its holder i.e Flickable is not wide enough. - You have explicitly set
. But setting itfalse
will make it overlap on header when scrolled.
I think you should seriously consider redesigning your application now itself to avoid further complications. Another issue that I found is the inclusion of
etc.. in the header. You have just anchored them to one another and keeping thewidth
fixed. This will tear apart when the resolution changes. Instead consider using RowLayout. - I found that the
One quick suggestion that I could think of is not to loadControlRegister1
. Instead load it using Loader and let thisLoader
be inCentralView.qml
. Set itswidth
to that of its parentItem
which fills the screen (as seen in the code). Thus when you loadControlRegister1
it will occupy the whole width and not clip the text.
Also make sure you hideDisplayView
when you loadControlRegister1
inside theLoader
. -
Thanks !!! Text clipping problem is solved by using loader in CentralView. But i lost the connection between the ControlRegister1Status and controlRegister1.How do i make connection between them? ControlRegister1Status is in ControlView and controlRegister1 is in Centralview in a Loader.How to access the alias properties of controlRegister1 and set those properties to ControlRegister1Status ?Help me please. -
The component loaded by theLoader
can be accessed by item property. Once you get access to that component you can access its properties. For eg:Loader { id: loader sourceComponent: myComponent } ... //accessing loader.item.myproperty //get access to myproperty of myComponent