(SOLVED) Read everything after an specific keyword
I fixed it, here is the solution!
QFile rootFile(*p_path + "/Project.arden"); if (rootFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream in(&rootFile); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readAll(); /* lets get the track name */ QString trackName("name ="); int pos = line.indexOf(trackName); QString theTrackName = line.right(pos + trackName.length()); printf(theTrackName.toStdString().c_str()); } }
I guess you have changed also this line to something elseQString trackName("name = ");
because your file does not contain any "name =" and this cannot be found then.
ALso you are mixing c and c++ which is possible, but not the prefered way. With Qt typically one uses QDebug for a fast debugging output.
#include <QDebug> QFile rootFile(*p_path + "/Project.arden"); if (rootFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream in(&rootFile); while (!in.atEnd()) { QString line = in.readAll(); /* lets get the track name */ QString trackName("name ="); int pos = line.indexOf(trackName); QString theTrackName = line.right(pos + trackName.length()); // printf(theTrackName.toStdString().c_str()); qDebug() << theTrackName; } }
???If you have "name =" the indexOf is exactly searching search for "name =" it cannot match anythingelse. It looks exactly for the same sequence of characters. Also the blanks have to match exactly. Your file contains "spec =", "includes =", "title =" and "author =". Therefore, you have to use those strings for searching. With QRegExp you can gain more flexibility of course. However, this is typically a bit confusing in the beginnng.
This is completely correct with what you wrote in your program.QString line = in.readAll();
reads the complete file into the string called line. You are searching for the start of text of "title =" in this complete string. You get a position greater than 0 because the string somewhere later.
QString theTrackName = line.mid(pos + trackName.length());
will copy the content starting after pos (begin of presence of search string) plus the length of search string. Therefore theTrackName will contain " untitled" followed by the remainder of the content.
You can replace your readAll (reading the complete file into the string at once) with readLine.
This should work for your case also.When you use Qt creator or another IDE you should use the debugger. This allows you normally to go through the program step by step.
Further it allows you also to inspect the different vairiables and their actual content after each line. -
Sorry that I am posting here again. My file looks like this:window_color_red = 130
The code to get this is:
void Theme::loadTheme(QPalette& palette, QApplication& app, Radon::Ui::MainWindow *window) { QString themePath = getTheme(); printf(themePath.toStdString().c_str()); QFile t(themePath); if (t.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream input(&t); while (!input.atEnd()) { QString line = input.readLine(); QString windowRedColorKeyword("window_color_red = "); int redPos = line.indexOf(windowRedColorKeyword); if (redPos >= 0) { QString windowRedColor = line.mid(redPos + windowRedColorKeyword.length()); printf(windowRedColor.toStdString().c_str()); } } } }
but it don't gives me the number 130, it gives me nothing. Is this basically because it only can read text and not numbers or why?
This was as mistake I've made, forgot to remove the " in the path!
Just for an iteration the code reads line by line. As long as the search text is found, it will provide the remainder of the line. There is real dependency to the content as long as it is displayble (probably also some non-displayable characters). There are some special characters marking the end of lines (line feed (LF) and carriage return (CR) are those at least).