QPluginLoader cannot load plugin [solved]
now i getting this error:
C:\workspace\16-5-15\src\mainProject\build-mainProject-Desktop_Qt_5_3_MinGW_32bit-Debug\VisualReceiverErrorsAnalysis\debug\moc_inpluginimp.cpp:149: error: undefined reference to `InPluginImp::InPluginImp()'and this one:
moc_inpluginimp.cpp:-1: error: undefined reference to `InPluginImp::getProcessing(myPlotInterface&, QVector<ReducingInterface*>)'collect2.exe:-1: error: error: ld returned 1 exit status
there is a solution for it?..
Did you properly implement both these functions ? Do you build the corresponding cpp file ?
When adding/removing the Q_OBJECT macro, do you re-run qmake before building ?