DelegateModel - Unknown component. (M300)
Hi there.
Last week I have experimented with C++ and qml. Now I am working on something that needs a DelegateModel. Although the project compiles without any problem and the project seems to be running as expected, in the code editor of QtCreator DelegateModel is not recognized. In my .pro file I have added
QT += qml quick
and my .qml file starts with:import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQml.Models 2.1 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
For some reason auto completion does not work when I add
import QtQml.Models 2.1
. So I presume the code editor does not recognize the QtQml module.Anyone any ideas how to fix this?
I am using Qt5.4.1 with QtCreator 3.4.0 on Debian. -
A workaround for the example I am trying to build is to use VisualDataModel.
But the question of course remains, why doesn't the code editor in QtCreator recognize the QtQml module? -
Hi @Jan-Willem,
Well it seems to be like a known bug. See QTCREATORBUG-13509.