how set INCLUDEPATH from subdirectory?
My project is C:/Qt_projects/project_name/release_directory/release/
Inside I have custom folder named simple_lib. now In .pro file I want to set INCLUDEPATH from that folder.
One way is to set it from absolute path like this
INCLUDEPATH += C:/Qt_projects/project_name/release_directory/release/simple_libbut I want to set it like this:
INCLUDEPATH += /simple_lib
INCLUDEPATH += . simple_lib
but not work.
how to do this? -
You can use $$PWD which returns the path the current file is in.
I added $PWD/simple_lib or $$PWD/simple_lib but still not working.
my header test.h still invisible.error: test.h: No such file or directory
test.h is in the simple_lib directoryWhat i did wrong?
oops, it seems the forum swallowed a "$", it must be two of them, ie. "$$PWD"
[edit: Corrected $ escaping to show the proper number of them]
Yes I have two of them but still same error.
Where's the pro file you are calling to build that project ? In what folder did you put it ?
I created simple_lib folder into build_path/release directory where generated .exe. file. but when I set INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/simple_lib and put .h file into than simple_lib directory minwg can't compile project because it couldn't see .h file. But after I moved .h file from build_path/release/simple_lib into build_path/release and set INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/ it worked. As i guessed INCLUDEPATH doesn't work with sub directories...?
This is whistling a bell here. Since I last used Windows years ago using mingw, I remember there were issues with mingw not being able to properly handle includepaths. I don't remember why and how, but I leave this up to you to research on that.
That said, include paths support subdirectories. This will likely not be an issue with qmake.
Can you show a mockup of your project tree structure ?