[Solved]Something really strange while trying to navigate in Grid
something really strange is happening with childat() I've no clue why but it begins really well then it just acts really strange I mean it selects random child griddy is Grid's Id have I found a bug guys?
Keys.onPressed: { if(event.key===Qt.Key_Right){ event.accepted=true griddy.childAt(index+=65,indexi+=0).focus=true } if(event.key===Qt.Key_Down){ event.accepted=true griddy.childAt(index+=0,indexi+=65).focus=true } }
Edited: Please use ``` (3 backticks) for code blocks - p3c0
@Zubalama Maybe due to spacing the items are not found correctly.
I made a similar code for testing. See if this is what you are trying to do:Grid { id: grid focus: true columns: 6 spacing: 5 Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "yellow"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "green"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "blue"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "cyan"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "magenta"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "pink"; width: 50; height: 50 } property int index: 0 Keys.onPressed: { if(event.key===Qt.Key_Right){ grid.childAt((index++)*55,0).focus=true } } }
@Zubalama Well then,
Grid { id: grid focus: true columns: 3 rows: 3 spacing: 5 Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "yellow"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "green"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "blue"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "cyan"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "magenta"; width: 50; height: 50 } Rectangle { color: focus ? "red" : "pink"; width: 50; height: 50 } property int xindex: -1 property int yindex: 0 Keys.onPressed: { if(event.key===Qt.Key_Right) { grid.childAt((++xindex)*55,yindex*55).focus=true } else if(event.key===Qt.Key_Down) { grid.childAt(xindex*55,(++yindex)*55).focus=true } } }
You can just change logic as per your need.