Convert std::string to QLineEdit
Hi all,
So I have a situation...
The following code allows me to set the text in a QLineEdit called cores using a map called parameterMap:
I have a list called allParameters, the entries of which are identical to the keys of parameterMap and the QLineEdit's in advancedsettings. I would like to iterate over allParameters to change the text in every QLineEdit in advancedsettings like so:
"for(list<string>::iterator it = allParameters.begin(); it != allParameters.end(); ++it){
}"However, the above code produces:
error: 'struct std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >' has no member named 'setText'and:
"string myString = "cores";
"results in:
'class Ui::AdvancedSettings' has no member named 'myString'How can I achieve what I want to? I must need to convert a std::string to some QT data type but none of my attempts have worked.
Many thanks,
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Is the correct form.
Do you have as much QLineEdit in your UI to enter all the strings from your parameterMap ?
Many thanks for your help.
To answer your question I have more strings in parameterMap than QLineEdit's in the UI (advancedsettings).
I'd like to iterate through all the QLineEdit's in advancedsettings rather than manually having to do something like:
Is there a way I can achieve this?
Man thanks,
You can create the QLineEdits dynamically