How to use SQLite-View as QCombobox-Model?
I am new in Qt and I try to make a little SQLite-Database Applikation.
The Question is: Is ist possible (if yes, how) to use a SQLite-View as relationed table in a QCombobox?????
I have tried to take a SQLite-Table to set the relation and it worked perfect. Then I changed the SQLite-Tabel with a SQLite-View and the data is not written to the database.
What I did till now:
First I connect to the database and set a new QSqiRelationalTableModel:
modBelege = new QSqlRelationalTableModel(this, cn::db()); modBelege->setEditStrategy(QSqlRelationalTableModel::OnManualSubmit); modBelege->setTable("belege");
Then I set the relation and set the model for the QCombobox (txtAdr):
modBelege->setRelation(8, QSqlRelation("kontakte","AdrKey","Name"));//<----- "kontakte" is the SQLite-Table from the Database !!!!!! QSqlTableModel *relationModAdresse = modBelege->relationModel(8); relationModAdresse->setSort(1,Qt::AscendingOrder); relationModAdresse->select(); ui->txtAdrKey->setModel(relationModAdresse); ui->txtAdrKey->setModelColumn(1); // Index of the visible Column
At least I make a new QDataWidgetMapper and map the data to the QCombobox:
mapper=new QDataWidgetMapper(this); mapper->setModel(modBelege); mapper->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this)); mapper->addMapping(ui->txtAdrKey,8); mapper->toFirst();
The code above works perfect, but "kontakte" is the SQLite-Table. If I change it to "vkontakte" (=SQLite-View) the data is not written to the database.
Then I have tried the following:
I let the relation to the SQLite-Table:
modBelege->setRelation(8, QSqlRelation("kontakte","AdrKey","Name"));//<----- "kontakte" is the SQLite-Table from the Database !!!!!!
And then I set the model for the QCombobox directly to the SQLite-View:
QSqlTableModel *modAdresse=new QSqlTableModel(); modAdresse=new QSqlTableModel(); modAdresse->setTable("vKontakte");// <----- "vkontakte" is the SQLite-View from the Database !!!!!! modAdresse->select();
Now the Index of the selected row in the QCombobox is written to the database and not the value of the foreign Key-Field (the first column of the view and the table)!!!!!!!
It was not possible for me to write the value of the relationed Key-Field instead of the Index of the row to the database.
Does anybody has a solution for my problem?????
Thank you in advance!!
if I understood your question correctly, for the solution with QSqlTableModel, the second one. You can do this:
look here for detailed information:
No, the column I am seeing in the combobox is the right column (the column with the text = column-ID 1).
The value that is written into the database is not the value from the linked Key-Field ("AdrKey" = first column of "kontake" or "vkontake" = column-ID 0), but the Index (currentIndex) of the row that is selected in the combobox!!!