[Solved] Dynamic sourceComponent of Loader and changing property of components
My requirement is to make a ListView of various types of components reading componentType and its properties from an XML file. I could create the components in the ListView, but could not change/set properties of that component. Below is the xml and qml files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <myComponent> <component> <componentType>component1</componentType> <buttonText>Button1</buttonText> </component> <component> <componentType>component2</componentType> <text>Text1</text> </component> <component> <componentType>component1</componentType> <buttonText>Button2</buttonText> </component> <component> <componentType>component2</componentType> <text>Text2</text> </component> </myComponent>
import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.2 import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0 Rectangle { width: 200 height: 360 XmlListModel { id: xmlModel source: "Components.xml" query: "/myComponent/component" XmlRole { name: "componentType"; query: "componentType/string()" } XmlRole { name: "buttonText"; query: "buttonText/string()" } XmlRole { name: "txt"; query: "text/string()" } onStatusChanged: { if (status === XmlListModel.Loading) { console.log("Loading...") } if (status === XmlListModel.Ready) { console.log("Loaded " + source) } if (status === XmlListModel.Error) { console.log("Xml Error: " + errorString()) } } } ListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent model: xmlModel delegate: delegateComponent Component { id: component1 Button { width: parent.width height: 50 // text: buttonText } } Component { id: component2 Text { color: "red" // text: txt } } Component { id: delegateComponent Loader { id: loader width: parent.width sourceComponent: (componentType === "component1") ? component1 : component2 Component.onCompleted: { if (componentType === "component1") { text: buttonText } else if (componentType === "component2") { text: txt } } } } } }
Setting text to buttonText for component1 from Loader Component.onCompleted does not change the text.
I am stuck here. Please help me. -
Since you are using a Loader you can access the loaded Component using item. So
Component.onCompleted: { if (componentType === "component1") { loader.item.text = buttonText } else if (componentType === "component2") { loader.item.text = txt } }
P.S: The editor in this new forum using markdown syntax. So to add a code you can use ``` (3 backticks) with the same followed at the end.
You're Welcome :)
There's a topic combobox at the bottom. It has the "Mark Solved" option. -
Ok understood, so in that case to access delegates from outside ListView, you will need to use children or you can set an item as current item and then access it
listview.currentIndex=1 // 1 is index of delegate, listview = id of ListView console.log(listview.currentItem)
I have added the following code to access text of the components
Button { width: 100; height: 40; text: "Get Text"; anchors.top: listView.bottom onClicked: { listView.currentIndex = 2 // or anything else (0 - 3) console.log(listView.currentIndex, listView.currentItem.text) } }
The output (listView.currentItem.text) is alway undefined for any value of listView.currentIndex. Am I doing anything wrong?
Ok. Now you have to go further. The currentItem will be the Loader. Try getting children of it
console.log(listView.currentIndex, listView.currentItem.children)
and then try accessing the childrens. It is an array.
Well I do see it. Its the bottom entry in the combobox . I'll mark it as solved.
Strange I'm to not able to mark it as solved. Clicking doesn't have any effect.