Qt - Connecting to wireless networks
I am using Windows7, Qt Creator 3.2.1 and Qt based on Qt 5.3.2 (MSVC 2010, 32 bit)
My objective at this stage is simple.
List available WLan networks >> Connect to one >> open QTcpSocket >> Communicate with my custom hardware.I am using QNetworkConfigurationManager to list the Networks a choose one. Works ok.
If I use Windows manually to ‘connect to network’ then open a QTcpSocket socket. Works ok.
I cannot find anywhere a Qt solution for ‘connect to network’ so I use wlan native api to process the ‘connect to network’ using the SSID chosen from the listed networks and creating an ad-hoc join only BSS type independent connection.
After the connection is made using a command prompt to ping the target device works ok.
However using QTcpSocket to open a socket fails.
Q. Is there a method to accomplish a ‘connect to network’ within Qt?
Q. If not, after using the wlanapi is there a way of informing Qt about the new connection so that QTcpSocket opens correctly. NB: using updateConfigurations() on QNetworkConfigurationManager does not make a difference.
Some assistance would be appreciated.
@//Scan for Wireless networks
void PCS_MainWindow::on_ButtonNWScan_clicked()
QIcon icon(":/Icons/PCS_WirelessIcon_01.png");
QNetworkConfigurationManager PCSmgr;ui->listWidgetWScan->clear();
PCSmgr.updateConfigurations();//REM: Config does not update if interface is removed!
for(int i=0 ; i < PCSmgr.allConfigurations().count() ; i++)
if(PCSmgr.allConfigurations().at(i).bearerType() == QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN)
if(PCSmgr.allConfigurations().at(i).name() != "")
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(icon, PCSmgr.allConfigurations().at(i).name(), ui->listWidgetWScan);
@@//Connect a network
void PCS_MainWindow::on_ButtonNWConnect_clicked()
QNetworkConfigurationManager PCSmgr;
QNetworkConfiguration PCScfg;
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
DWORD dwCurVersion = 0;
DWORD dwResult = 0;
int wIfCount;ui->ButtonNWConnect->setEnabled(false);
//Find the configuration for this SSID
for(gpInt = 0 ; gpInt < PCSmgr.allConfigurations().count() ; gpInt++)
if(PCSmgr.allConfigurations().at(gpInt).name() == ui->listWidgetWScan->currentItem()->text())
PCScfg = PCSmgr.allConfigurations().at(gpInt);
ui->textSession->setText("<h3>Connecting to Network</h3>");
ui->textSession->append("SSID: " + PCScfg.name() + "");
}//Open a WINAPI handle for use by the app
dwResult = WlanOpenHandle(2, NULL, &dwCurVersion, &hClient);
if(dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ui->textSession->append("Opening Handle: Error");
ui->textSession->append("Opening Handle: Opened");
}//Build DOT11 SSID
wSSID.uSSIDLength = PCScfg.name().length();
QByteArray tSSID = PCScfg.name().toLocal8Bit();
memcpy(wSSID.ucSSID, tSSID, PCScfg.name().length());//Build wlan parameters
wParam.wlanConnectionMode = wlan_connection_mode_discovery_unsecure;
wParam.strProfile = NULL;
wParam.pDot11Ssid = &wSSID;
wParam.pDesiredBssidList = NULL;
wParam.dot11BssType = dot11_BSS_type_independent;
wParam.dwFlags = WLAN_CONNECTION_ADHOC_JOIN_ONLY;//Enumerate the interfaces
dwResult = WlanEnumInterfaces(hClient, NULL, &pIfList);
if(dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ui->textSession->append("Enumeration: Error");
ui->textSession->append("Enumeration: Successful");
}//Allow for multiple wifi adapters by finding the IFace with the correct SSID and conncecting to it
gpInt = 0;
wIfCount = pIfList->dwNumberOfItems;
dwResult = 1;while((dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (wIfCount != 0))
pIfInfo = (WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO *) &pIfList->InterfaceInfo[gpInt];
dwResult = WlanConnect(hClient, &pIfInfo->InterfaceGuid, &wParam, NULL);
}if(dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ui->textSession->append("Connection Status: Error");
ui->textSession->append("Connection Status: Connected");
}//Open a socket
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);bool sockState = socket->bind(QHostAddress(""), 8888);
ui->textSession->append("Socket Bound");
ui->textSession->append("Socket Not Bound");
}connect(socket,SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected()));
connect(socket,SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected()));
connect(socket,SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64)));
connect(socket,SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));// socket->connectToHost("", 8888);
socket->connectToHost("", 8888);if(!socket->waitForConnected(1000))
ui->textSession->append("Socket Connection: Error" + socket->errorString());
ui->textSession->append("Socket Connection: Connected");
@ -
hi friend,
you can easily use QNetworkConfigurationManager and QNetworkSessionQNetworkConfiguration cfg;
QNetworkConfigurationManager ncm;
auto nc = ncm.allConfigurations();for (auto &x : nc)
if (x.bearerType() == QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN)
if (x.name() == "YouDesiredNetwork")
cfg = x;
}auto session = new QNetworkSession(cfg, this);
session->open();It first searches for the network with you desired name and then tries to connect to it
When I use QNetworkConfigurationManager and check allConfigurations(), then filter for BearerWLAN. This works on my development laptop and lists the Wi-fi networks in the area.
But when I try this on another similar laptop it doesn't list anything.
Both machines have Win7 x86_64 and Intel Wi-Fi cards and I'm using QT 5.4 with MinGW_32 standard install.
Since QNetworkConfigurationManager pulls up the standardized Windows list I am surprised it would only work on some PCs.Anyone know if there is a specific condition to be met for this to work?
Does the user need admin privileges when running the application or something? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Do you mean that your application is not working on a machine without Qt installed ? If so did you also deploy the bearer plugins with your application ?
@SGaist After looking into the deployment more I finally figured it out. I needed qgenericbearer.dll and qnativewifibearer.dll in the bearer sub-directory.
The deployment wiki was a little confusing at first and I thought these needed to be in a plugins sub-directory or plugins/bearer sub-directory.Once I figured out how to use it the new windeployqt.exe worked ok and automatically put the plugins where they needed to go so now the application works.
Thanks for the tip,
@ankitlive I'm trying to connect to WiFi network using this code, but it is not working also not giving any error
QNetworkConfiguration cfg;
QNetworkConfigurationManager ncm;
auto nc = ncm.allConfigurations();for (auto &x : nc)
if (x.bearerType() == QNetworkConfiguration::BearerWLAN)
qDebug() << x.name();
if (x.name() == "YouDesiredNetwork")
cfg = x;
auto session = new QNetworkSession(cfg, this);
session->open();also in ubuntu it gives me list of wifi network but when I run this in windows it is showing me below output(I have 5 available networks)
output: -
"Local Area Connection* 9"