Newbie needs help on installing PySide
I need assistance in installing Qt and PySide to provide a development platform.
Upon completion, I will pay a total fee of $100.
I suggest that you email me step-by-step instructions. Upon receipt and successful implementation I pay you $50 by PayPal.
A phone call (at my expense) may be needed. When a working environment is in place, the remaining $50 will be paid.
- I am working with Windows 7.
- Python 2.7.7 is loaded as c:/Python27. I am currently using WingWare for my IDE, and Python is fully functional.
- Qt is loaded on C:/Qt. The files were obtained by extraction from PySide-1.2.2-cp34-none-win_amd64.whl.
- My problem is loading PySide. I simply don't understand the online instructions on how to do this.
- We then need to link Qt and Pyside as is necessary to work together.
Please respond to My only language is English.
Thank you for your interest. -
Hi again,
Looks like my answer disappeared, did you receive it ?
So hi and welcome to devnet again :)
I was directing you to "this": wiki entry which might provide a simpler way to get PySide
Hope it helps