Inheriting from non-virtual dtor base class
I lately realized that classes like "QWidget ": do not have a virtual dtor.
But still lot many classes are using QWidget for public inheritance.
And if I go by the guideline of "Herb Sutter - Guideline #4 in this article": then:
bq. A base class destructor should be either public and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual.
So what philosophy do we have in Qt regarding public base class's dtor ?
And what about the semi-destruction of object when deleted from base class pointer ?Thanks for your time.
shashank -
You forgot class QObject.
Just one virtual destructor at the top of the class hierarchy.Little example:
#include <iostream>using namespace std;
class VirtualBase
cout << "VirtualBase: ktor (+1)" << endl;
virtual ~VirtualBase()
cout << "VirtualBase: dtor (-1)" << endl;
};class Base: public VirtualBase
cout << "Base: ktor (+1)" << endl;
cout << "Base: dtor (-1)" << endl;
};class Derive: public Base
cout << "Derive: ktor (+1)" << endl;
cout << "Derive: dtor (-1)" << endl;
};int main()
Base *base = new Derive();
delete base;return 0;
VirtualBase: ktor (+1)
Base: ktor (+1)
Derive: ktor (+1)
Derive: dtor (-1)
Base: dtor (-1)
VirtualBase: dtor (-1)
virtual ~QObject(); // As VirtualBase
~QWidget(); // As Base