[SOLVED] include problem in QtCreator/Raspberry
Hi all,
I'm new to Qt and Raspberry programming, I've just installed the qtonpi 0.2 on my device and setupd my QtCreator for cross compiling according to the tutorial in http://qt-project.org/wiki/Create .
I'm now trying to cross compile the hello-qtonpi sample but meet some problems. I am using QtCreator which I already installed on my Debian wheezy distro (QTcreator 2.5.0 based on Qt 4.8.1 32 bits). When I try to cross compile for the RPi, the line "#include <QtQuick>
" is not recognized and I get
hello-qtonpi/main.cpp:2: error: QtQuick: No such file or directory
For me it seems to be a path problem, so I included :
INCLUDEPATH += /opt/qt5/include/
to no avail ...
I added :
INCLUDEPATH += /opt/qt5/include/QtQuick/
and now get:
/opt/qt5/include/QtQuick/qsgmaterial.h:46: error: qopenglshaderprogram.h: No such file or directory
I'm a bit lost ...
What should I do to fix this ?
Thanks -
Looks like something gone wrong with your QtCreator settings. Check this step again:
bq. Selecting Qt 5 for Raspberry Pi
In Qt Creator, select Tools -> Options -> Build & Run and Qt Versions tab
Select Manual and click on Add…
Then select qmake file located in ‘’/opt/qt5/bin/qmake’‘ and click on Open
Click on Apply and select OK
Maybe it has something to do with your Debian wheezy? I have never had problems with cross-compiling Qt5 apps for RPi. I have used Fedora, ubuntu or LFS for that... Can you try it with Fedora or ubuntu in VirtualBox?
I finally got it :Following the tutorial, I had set the "Run" settings of the hello-qtonpi project (using the "projects" button on the left hand side of QtCreator), but I left the "build" settings to the defaults.
They were set to use the Qt 4.8 version which I had already before installing the Qtonpi sdk.
I changed this to the Qt 5.0 version and all went smoothly ! -
Please add "[SOLVED]" prefix left to the topic subject. Thanks!