I have a final setup of Qt-creator as follows.I ran the script in the /opt/poky/1.6.1/ and opened the qt-creator from the concole. with this settings as below i'm trying to cross-compile the sample clock code
General http://picpaste.com/1-gAmJsS3o.png
Kits http://picpaste.com/2-Y3kFvHIG.png
Qt version http://picpaste.com/3-lwZngysy.png
4 compiler http://picpaste.com/4-M4y6gJYb.png
Debugger http://picpaste.com/5-DQhrxi6t.png
CMake http://picpaste.com/6-l3FhICDq.png
Build Settings http://picpaste.com/7-4myooBgL.png
With the settings ,clock code is giving me error[8].
14:32:34: Running steps for project clocks...
14:32:34: Could not start process "/opt/poky/1.6.1/sysroots/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/bin/make" clean
Error while building/deploying project clocks (kit: wandboard)
When executing step 'Make'
14:32:34: Elapsed time: 00:00.
Please if you can assist.