[SOLVED] [Qwt and a DB] How to plot data coming from a DB with Qwt
Hello Qt devs!
I have written this so far, but the code won't compile:
xAxisTime = new QSqlQuery;
xAxisTime->prepare("SELECT date(qa."QA_Timestamp") FROM "v_TestResults"");
xAxisTime->next();// Preperation of general query to fetch test results yAxis = new QSqlQuery; yAxis->prepare("SELECT \"OUT_Output\" FROM \"v_TestResults\" WHERE \"OUT_IndexResultat\" = :idtest, \"OUT_Minor\" = :row, \"OUT_Minor\" = :col"); yAxis->bindValue(":idtest", 20); yAxis->bindValue(":row", 1); yAxis->bindValue(":col", 1); yAxis->exec(); yAxis->next(); plotDsi0 = new QwtPlotCurve(trUtf8("DSI0")); plotDsi0->setAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom, QwtPlot::yLeft); plotDsi0->setData(xAxisTime->value(1).toDouble(), yAxis->value(1).toDouble(), yAxis->size()); plotDsi0->attach(CKV2_qwtPlot);
The compiler complains: that
there is no matching function call to 'QwtPlotCurve::setData(double, double, int)'
@However, there is a candidate that is:
QwtPlotcurve:: setData(const double*, const double*, int)
@I guess I could use vectors, but I'm not familiar with them, yet. Is there another way to proceed?
Thanks for your tips!
you should pass pointers to your function.
double x = xAxisTime->value(1).toDouble();
double y = yAxis->value(1).toDouble();
plotDsi0->setData(&x, &y, yAxis->size());
Primitives have ctors, so this will work too:
plotDsi0->setData(new double(xAxisTime->value(1).toDouble()), new double(yAxis->value(1).toDouble()),
@ -
Pointers to the QSqlQuery? But that won't return the actual record stored in the query. Plus, it won't return a double. I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Thanks @soroush. It worked perfectly.