Qextserialport comm. error
I'm using Qextserialport 1.2 alpha in my project.
I got invalid data when I use other windows application while I'm recording the data at hight rate of 400hz.
BUT, when I first open the port via HyperTerminal or LabView and then I connect throw my SW, the problem is vanished.The problem doesn happend in low rate (1h,10h)
Any Idea?!?
This is how I install the port
port = new QextSerialPort(portName,QextSerialPort::EventDriven);if(!port->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly )) { qDebug("Cannot open serial port: %s Error: %s", portName.toAscii().constData(), port->errorString().toAscii().constData()); return -1; } connect( port, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadyRead())); port->setBaudRate(BAUD921600); port->setDataBits(DATA_8); port->setParity(PAR_NONE); port->setStopBits(STOP_2); port->setFlowControl (FLOW_OFF); port->setRts( true ); port->setDtr( true );
My setup:
Win XP sp3
QT 4.7.0Thanx!
Try "QtSerialPort":http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtSerialPort
Are you using alpha or alpha2?
The version alpha is according to "the download page":http://code.google.com/p/qextserialport/downloads/list?can=1&q=&colspec=Filename+Summary+Uploaded+Size+DownloadCount deprecated. And it is from 2007. Furthermore, mid of year beta2 was released. You might want to change to this. -
Try another library QtSerialPort
bq. I have truble to download it..
How can I download it withot the gitorious?
Do you have other link?In "Wiki":http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtSerialPort is an exhaustive. Please read it carefully.