QtSDK + OpenCV installation process on Windows 7
As you know, I'm a newcomer in Qt and their tools.
I'm working on a project in which I use Qt with OpenCV. However, I have no idea how or where to start. I do not know fully the steps I follow achieving install and link Qt + OpenCV successfully on my computer, that is, should I install first, then I install, how to configure both tools, etc.
I have carefully reviewed the internet and in this forum, but can not find satisfactory information to my problem, in fact I've only managed to confuse me more. In many places only speaks of the lines to be added to the file .PRO to work with OpenCV, but say nothing about the process of installation and / or configuration.
I want to install OpenCV 2.4.2 + QtSDK 1.2.1 on my computer with Windows 7.
I apologize in advance because I am aware that in the forum and there are some publications on topics related to this. However, as I said earlier, regarding my question did not find specific help information.
Thank you all.
I also had same problem.
I hope this blog will help "you.http://qtitkvtkhelp.blogspot.in/2012/11/qt-installation-prerequisite-1.html":http://qtitkvtkhelp.blogspot.in/2012/11/qt-installation-prerequisite-1.html